Interfaith Power & Light is happy to offer free online kits for your congregation to help you educate and inspire people about their food choices and help them understand the climate and faith connections.

Host a Cool Harvest potluck for your friends or faith community, to raise awareness about our food system and how our food choices affect the climate.

Click here to receive the free online kit, 5 Easy Steps to Hosting a Cool Potluck. It provides tips for organizers and potluck chefs, table blessings, and much more.

Or, you might consider hosting a film screening with our Cool Harvest Movie Kit. Or combine them for dinner and a movie! Our Cool Harvest movie kit includes a selection of excellent and informative films and discussion guides from Fed Up, Food Inc., A Place at the Table, and Nourish.

Eating in ways that are healthy for our bodies is also good for the environment. It is also a perfect fit for faith communities concerned about global warming.

Modern agribusiness — that favors toxic pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers, GMO foods (genetically modified), distant farm-to-plate transportation, and the factory farming of animals — exacts a heavy toll on the atmosphere. It is estimated that nearly one-fifth of climate change pollution comes from the food industry.